Users Best Challenges
Lowest number of moves solutions by users so far.
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1 level in 0h:00m:01s with as few as 2 moves!
2 levels in 0h:00m:02s with as few as 4 moves!
3 levels in 0h:00m:04s with as few as 7 moves!
4 levels in 0h:00m:06s with as few as 10 moves!
5 levels in 0h:00m:10s with as few as 14 moves!
6 levels in 0h:00m:13s with as few as 18 moves!
7 levels in 0h:00m:25s with as few as 23 moves!
8 levels in 0h:01m:35s with as few as 31 moves!
9 levels in 0h:02m:06s with as few as 39 moves!
10 levels in 0h:04m:47s with as few as 49 moves!
11 levels in 0h:05m:14s with as few as 60 moves!
12 levels in 0h:06m:01s with as few as 69 moves!
13 levels in 0h:11m:23s with as few as 80 moves!
14 levels in 0h:13m:28s with as few as 95 moves!
15 levels in 0h:18m:05s with as few as 115 moves!
16 levels in 0h:18m:53s with as few as 130 moves!
17 levels in 0h:32m:28s with as few as 154 moves!
18 levels in 0h:33m:48s with as few as 174 moves!
19 levels in 0h:36m:12s with as few as 187 moves!
20 levels in 0h:45m:38s with as few as 207 moves!
21 levels in 1h:00m:56s with as few as 229 moves!
22 levels in 1h:06m:40s with as few as 246 moves!
23 levels in 1h:20m:59s with as few as 274 moves!
24 levels in 1h:22m:11s with as few as 288 moves!
25 levels in 1h:24m:39s with as few as 301 moves!
26 levels in 1h:27m:27s with as few as 324 moves!
27 levels in 1h:41m:05s with as few as 341 moves!
28 levels in 1h:51m:17s with as few as 370 moves!